

发布时间: 2024-05-03 15:41:10北京青年报社官方账号



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Amazon’s support for Pandora is interesting, since the company already has its own music store and streaming service, which was recently updated on iOS to provide users with ad-free radio stations centered around artists and genres.


Amazon’s Jeff Bezos isn’t the only billionaire fan of Banks’ work. Elon Musk, a rival in space to Bezos’ Blue Origin, named two of SpaceX’s drone ships after the sentient starships in the Culture series: “Of Course I Still Love You”?in the Atlantic, and “Just Read the Instructions” in the Pacific. Another SpaceX drone ship, to be named “A Shortfall of Gravitas,” is under construction for use on the East Coast. In the Banks novels, the starship was called “Experiencing a Significant Gravitas Shortfall.”


Ambitious schedule


Amazon’s future growth was perhaps the biggest story swirling around the company in the quarter. After selecting New York as one of two sites for major expansion in the HQ2 process, Amazon abruptly pulled out January. About a month later, the company confirmed plans to back out of a massive office tower in downtown Seattle and sublet the space to someone else. That was followed by rapid expansion in nearby Bellevue, including news that the company would move the key worldwide operations teams there.


Among Ukraine's other major achievements in international trade in 2017, the ministry named the launch of the free trade deal with Canada, increase in trade with the European Union and the intensification of free trade dialogues with Turkey and Israel.


